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Monday, October 21, 2013

Diet and Weight Loss Tips to Stay Fit and Healthy

Everybody wishes to stay fit and healthy but due to incorrect food choices and poor eating habits it becomes a dream for most of us. In this article, you will find some useful tips on diet and weight loss.

We must avoid oils like coconut oil and palm oil for cooking as their fat content is too much. Sunflower oil contains PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids). But if eaten in large quantities they can cause gallstones. Sunflower oil has important advantages. It decreases cholesterol but increases HDL and protects against heart disease. Olive oil, sesame oil, etc., has PUFA. So a mixture of 65% of olive oil/sesame oil with 35% sunflower oil is ideal for cooking. Whatever be the oil used the amount consumed should not exceed 30-50 ml/day.

Bakery products are the favorites of many people. To increase the crispness and to make it crunchy, hydrogenated vegetable oil is added in generous amount to many bakery products. When the vegetable oils are hydrogenated, harmful fats are formed. These are more dangerous that the fat of meats. The heart is affected by such fats. Moreover, in bakery products, wheat is avoided and refined wheat flour is used. The cheese used in pizza also can increase cholesterol and pave the way for heart attacks.

Thus these high in sugar, high in fat bakery products are to be consumed in small quantities once in a while. They are meant only for a small bite or munch.

A recent study shows that arthritis sufferers who followed the Mediterranean diet had up to 38% less pain and stiffness and hand weakness. Fruits, vegetables, olive oil, fish and chicken seem to have a beneficial effect on arthritis inflammation.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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