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Monday, September 30, 2013

Get Faster Weight Loss - What Diet Method Works Best to Melt Away Lbs of Fat Fast & Naturally?

Do you want to finally get faster weight loss... BUT without having to worry about doing anything unnatural or ineffective? Alright my friend, take 78 seconds out of your busy day and read on to discover a proven diet method that works incredibly well for getting rid of stubborn weight very quickly.

You know, there were many different diet programs that I tried out once before to help me get rid of my excess weight and fat. Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell me at that point that fad dieting will cause you more problems than good!

Fad diets (low fat, low calorie, starvation, low carb, most celebrity endorsed programs, etc.) are more concerned about profits than they are with helping folks successfully and permanently lose weight. All of those programs are based on unnatural methods that will usually lead to a slower metabolism, yo-yo weight loss and your body will go into fat STORING mode instead of fat BURNING mode!

After trying so many different diets, obviously I was beginning to grow weary with dieting to get in shape. That was until I came across a fat loss program that changed my mind about dieting pretty quickly.

This program I came across was definitely not like the others. Since I was getting pretty desperate to get in shape, I decided to try this program... and this was going to be the last one!

To my amazement, the diet worked extremely well and I successfully ended up losing over 50 pounds in 8 weeks time!

You see, the diet revealed to me what type of program is truly going to work if you want to not only get faster weight loss, but also consistent and permanent results. What was revealed was that:

A. The diet must be based on getting 100% proper nutrition. No severe restrictions such as with fad diets.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Green Tea and Weight Loss - 3 Ways Green Tea Can Help You to Lose Weight

Green Tea has been hailed as a miracle weight loss supplement by experts for years and so it's no surprise that you will find it listed as an ingredient on many diet pills and other products which aids losing weight. You might be wondering how does it actually help with losing weight. Well, it does this in 3 ways:

1. By helping us to burn fat

When we eat, food is turned into a substance called triglyceride, which is essential and a source of energy for the body. The problem is when there are excess triglycerides in our body it gets turned into fat. Green Tea activates enzymes, which are responsible for dissolving triglycerides, and this aids in burning fat.

2. By speeding up our metabolism

Green Tea contains many antioxidants with multiple health benefits. The main one, which we are concerned with here, is epigallocatechin gallate (or EGCG for short). It speeds up our metabolism, which in turn helps us to lose more weight.

3. By increasing our stamina

Exercise is essential in a weight loss program, and the catechin polyphenols in in the tea reduces the rate at which carbohydrates are used. This in turn means you have more energy for longer, giving you more endurance for exercise, which of course burns calories and as a result increases your metabolism. All of them are extremely important for weight loss.

Obviously Green Tea is not going to do all the work for you and it should only be considered as a supplement to a healthy low fat diet, coupled with a sensible exercise program. We all need a little help when losing weight so regard Green Tea as your little helper!

Remember, before embarking on any serious weight loss program, consult your doctor.

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Calorie Shifting For Weight Loss - What is Calorie Shifting?

Have you ever tried a new diet, managed to achieve some weight loss initially, and then found yourself stuck at the same weight after the initial weight loss? You continue that diet, but find that you are not progressing at all, and you decide to go off that diet and end up gaining the weight you lost back. Does that sound familiar? There could be a variety of reasons why your diet failed to produce consistent weightloss results.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Cardio At Home for Weight Loss Exercise

Do you know that can reduce your weight by doing cardio exercise at your home only without any special equipment? If you are not so much fond of going to a gym, then your home or road is the perfect place to do cardio workout. Cardio exercise is quite flexible in nature, allowing you to choose its intensity according to your suitability.

This article covers three level of cardio exercise, beginner, intermediate and expert. In spite of the levels, each one is having plenty of intensity to break out the sweat. These levels are not designed as per their intensities. Instead, the exercises in them are classified according to their complexities. The procedure is like that if you are comfortable with a level by performing it for couple of weeks, then you can switch over to some higher level exercises. Switching the levels of the exercise routines can help you attaining better result.

Following are some exercises associated with each level of complexity

Beginner level

Jumping jack is the most popular cardio exercise of beginner level. You just have to keep your back straight. Adding it with rest of your daily exercises will surely pay off better results to you. Another is squat thrust, in which you are required to enter into the pushup position and move your leg up a bit. You can also combine jumping with the thrust position.

Intermediate Level

This level comprises of variations of lunges and pushups. Side lunge is one type of exercise similar to lunges, but in it you are required to step to a side rather than forward. In jumping lunges you need to alternate your legs while performing the jumps without moving forwards.

Intermediate Level

Some of the best cardio exercises are available in the advanced level that is effective for weight loss. Burpees is one of them in which you are required to enter into the squat position and push your legs upwards to jump. Bicycle exercise is about lying on to the floor and pushing your hand and knees behind.

You can search for the videos on the internet for the proper way of performing these cardio exercises at home.

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HCG for Weight Loss - Helpful Hints for Greater Success

HCG for weight loss is a positive technique for dropping unwanted pounds. You can finally have the body you desire, you can improve your physique, you can improve your mood and mindset, and you will feel better about yourself when those pounds finally come off. Here are some fast tips to making your weight loss endeavors successful when using HCG products.

HCG for weight loss is far more successful when you follow the rules. Don't make up your own rules as you go along. Read the protocol carefully and understand that the diet is designed to work a specific way. Don't under eat, over exercise or over use HCG drops and injections in the hopes that you will speed up weight loss even more. Instead, adhere to the regulations of the diet and you will see the pounds fall off faster than you might imagine.

HCG for weight loss is more successful if you have a support system in place. If you don't want to tell your family or closest friends that you are dieting, then you can find communities online and meet up with people in forums for the positive support you need. There is no reason whatsoever to go it alone when you are dieting. As you meet others, you can swap recipes, exercise ideas, and you can give each other the mental and emotional support you need to adhere to the dieting plan.

Bear in mind that just because the HCG for weight loss plan is powerful, fast, and effective, it doesn't mean you do not require some will power. There are still times that you will want to have unnecessary snacks, and you may be tempted to eat things you shouldn't. There will be times when you have to battle emotional eating habits, and you will have to get used to the approved foods you can eat. Maintain a stick to it attitude and you will be well rewarded. It will take a few weeks, but your mind and body will eventually adjust to the new eating habits you are slowly developing.

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Acai Berry Weight Loss - Why Acai Berry is the Perfect Weight Loss Supplement For You?

Acai berry has floored the world with its benefits recently. From American Natives to Hollywood Superstars, all swear by its amazing ability to burn those extra pounds quickly and easily. Let us now discuss the main reasons why the craze for acai berry is on the rise.

1. It is Fuss Free

While other weight loss measures leave you bankrupt both literally and emotionally, acai is the new age fuss-free food. The natural composition of the food is such that it helps you to shed weight rapidly while taking care of your dietary needs as well.

2. It is the "No#1 Super Food"

Oprah's claims about Acai Berry being the "No#1 Super Food in the World" are not unfounded. Recommended by doctors like Dr. Perricone and Dr. Oz and trusted by millions of consumers across the globe, the food actually works wonders. After all, making you lose a pound a day is something not every supplement can even claim of, let alone actually achieving it.

3. It Provides Permanent Relief

Unlike other food supplements, this wonderful supplement is not merely aimed at helping you lose water weight (which fluctuates anyway). Instead it naturally cleanses out your system. The unusual quantities of antioxidants, amino acids, fiber and essential fatty acids present in it ensure that you lose weight, look young and stay that ways.

Once you are hooked to it, there is no looking back. You'd be amazed by the compliments that would come your way from day one. All this is made even simpler today with acai's easy availability online as well as at health stores.

Fast Weight Loss For Busy Women Without a Diet

How many times have you looked at those well shaped women on the beach and wondered what their fast weight loss secret is? You look at them and think that you will never be able to get your body in such a shape as theirs. Looking at other fit women puts the pressure on most of us to get in shape and lose weight as fast as possible.

I for one discovered that using weight loss diets is not always the right answer that will work for every type of women out there. One of the biggest problem with diets is that they could make us eat a lot more than women who don't use diets at all. This happens because when we are on a diet we don't eat when we want to, but evaluate if this food is good for us or not. The chocolate cake we are craving and not eating because our diet says so will build up emotional frustration and will make life miserable on a daily basis whenever we see the foods we love. Abstaining from the foods we love in order to achieve fast weight loss, will work for some women, but not for all.

See, when you significantly reduce the amount of food you eat, the brain sends impulses through the nervous system as if the body is starving. Your metabolism will slow and your organism will digest the food slower in order to survive starvation. This will create strong desires to eat food which will cause you anxiety. With this kind of pressure, depending on the person, you could lose self control and indulge in binge eating. The problem with this is that your body burns food slower now due to decreased metabolism. When you lose self control, which is very likely for most women on diets, instead of fast weight loss you will gain weight. Saying all that, I recognize that diets work miracles for some type of women, and yet for others they destroy their health.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Best Drinks For a Detox Cleanse and Weight Loss

Detox Cleanse is basically a method of trying to rid the body of any built up toxins in your body. These toxins can actually come from many different sources not least in the food that we are eating every day of our lives. At least we can change what we eat. But we also have toxins entering our body through the environment. This is something that we can change so readily. So, we must try and cleanse regularly to help our bodies to expunge these toxins. There are several drinks that can be of great help when you want to lose weight or just to cleanse your internal body organs. You should basically make these juices from fresh and preferably organic ingredients mostly being fruits and vegetables. Below are a few of some of the detox drinks.

Lemon drink

Lemon water is perhaps the best fruit juice for any detox cleansing diet or indeed weight loss diet. Making the lemon drink is really simple and requires only two ingredients, lemon and water; you may add sugar or honey to taste. Simply add a half a cup of water to half a cup of lemon juice and the drink is ready.

Apple and celery juice

Apples are great for any detox as they are rich in antioxidants. You will need two apples and two celery sticks, juice them up and add a bit of lemon juice to taste.

Beet juice

Beets are important as they are rich in vitamin A. To prepare the beet juice you will need one beet root, a few celery sticks, and one carrot. Juice them up and add a bit of water.

Ginger and turmeric detox tea

Both of the ingredients in this tea are very good cleansing agents. To prepare the ginger and turmeric detox tea you will need two cups of boiled water. Add a teaspoon of ginger and half a teaspoon of turmeric; you may add a little amount of maple syrup or only so as to improve the taste a bit.

Dandelion detox tea

This drink is very good as it contains several vitamins that are essential for detox like vitamin A, B, D. To prepare the tea you need to add a few teaspoons of powdered or crushed dandelion leaves to boiled water. You may add lemon to taste.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Finding the Best Weight-Loss Info

If you are planning on losing weight in the near future, or have already started a dieting regime, you may be wondering where you can get the best weight loss info. So many people will tell you different things. Different websites will tell you different plans, all differing somewhat, and friends, family and work colleagues will tell you something completely different. The best weight loss info for you could be something that didn't work for any of the above. The trick is, looking around and finding it!

The internet is a massive thing and there is plenty of weight loss info to work your way through. The thing you need to watch out for, however, is that you do not fall for silly phases and crash diets. There are millions of websites that are telling you different types of dieting info. There are some that tell you the best recipes, others will tell you the best exercise regimes, while others will tell you the right foods and the wrong foods.

The only way in which you can get real losing weight info that is correct and safe is from a Doctor, nutritionist or a dietitian. These people are trained to know what they are talking about, and therefore the weight loss info that they are giving you must be correct. Many people will tell you different things, but you cannot argue with the lose weight info from that of a professional!

It is up to you which info you choose to follow and utilize to change your life and your weight. However, you can not be sure that the weight loss info that you have been given is correct and will enable you to lose weight in a safe and sensible manner. A doctor, or other professional that is trained to give the right weight loss info will be able to help you and give you advise, hints and tips to aid your journey of losing weight!

Healthy Weight Loss - Weight Loss Resort Style

"Fat farms" also known as weight loss resorts are not a new concept; in fact, they were the fashion 50 years ago for those wishing to lose weight rapidly. However, you'll find that today's weight loss resorts have evolved quite a bit since the "Pegged Pants" days.

In fact, the old practices of unhealthy extremely low calorie diets and strict exercise regimens have been replaced with more modern Health Lifestyle programs that incorporate the most up-to-date science and medicine, designed for weight loss and improved health.

If you're serious about losing those extra pounds and are looking for a supportive and encouraging atmosphere a weight loss resort "fat farm" may be for you.

Is a Weight Loss Resort for Me?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How to Get Skinny Extremely Fast! Most Important Weight Loss Tips You Shouldn't Miss

Every individual wants to be attractive, active and cheerful but due to his/her unwanted body weight, he/she feels a lot of discomfort in public. Having a well molded, svelte figure of a model sounds ideal! But one must have a concept of an ideal weight in life so that he/she can fulfill his/her requirements him/herself.

As there is no actual overnight cure to obesity and being overweight, one has to take into consideration the possible time period it would take for you to get skinny. How much of determination and commitment you have towards achieving your goal would depend on you. Chalk out your dietary and exercise regime and make sure you stick to it every day. Even if you do not feel that you are shedding weight, don't let that deter you from your goal and keep on relentlessly with your exercise and diet regime. You will be surprised to see the slow but steady loss of fat and weight.

By exercising daily you will be able to keep your blood sugar under control at the same time burn out excess calories. This will further improve lipid (fat) profile of blood Cholesterol - elevating the level of good cholesterol (HDL-C) and lowering (LDC-C). This will help in toning of metabolism and improvement of the immune system. You will be stopping the accumulation of fat in your body and will have a leaner more toned down physique.

The usage of drugs can be dangerous. In the haste of trying to get thin fast one can be tempted to take drugs that are commonly used in the treatment of obesity/overweight. Unfortunately these drugs can have side effects. The best way to lose weight steadily is to have a regime that is combination of both diet and exercise.

Dieting to lose weight is popular. In this method an imbalance is created in the energy balance equation by reducing your energy intake (food). A person maintains a regular level of activity but reduces daily food intake in terms of calories.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips